Since max’s last infrequent post many things have happened. Max drank really good beer in 5 different countries with some really good people. The European tour was indeed a success. In Western Europe the drinking laws seem to be a little more relaxed than here in Utah. If you’re ever in any of the fine towns the tour visited (see previous post), please stop by. The venues were filled with very nice people. Some other places not mentioned on the tour list are The Forrest and The Bowery both in Edinburgh, Scotland. Max never made it to The Bowery but can guarantee by the people running it that it’s a fine place to visit.
The next beer related stop on the tour was home. The town of Park City turned 125 this year. Max was supposed to pour beer, but instead was chosen to be the beer garden door guy. There was no door. Much like the ironically named S.M.A.R.T. Program Utah has to allow people to pour beer in this fine state, the orginization of how things went at the birthday party was odd. Lessons were learned however. Important ones included:Â 1. You can get a DUI in Utah without being legally drunk. 2. You can get a DUI in Utah as far as 25′ from your car. 3. Come July 1, 2009 a lot of fines and other bad things about alcohol will be A LOT more severe.
The Telluride Bluegrass festival was a beer drinking highlight this summer. Liz and max both scored beer pouring volunteer gigs at the festival. This means they got free beer, tickets, got to see some amazing music, played with friends and generally had a really good time. New Belgium sponsored and brought the beer tent which KOTO volunteers poured. New Belgium is cool. That’s it. Take a look at their site for the myrad of reasons why they’re so cool. It will hurt, much like most mornings at Telluride.
Next? Well max and many others will help represent Recycle Utah in the 4th of July parade in Park City. Come out and play, max will take your empties as we stroll down Main St. The weekend after is the Lander Climbing Festival. Max is sure to be found in the Lander Bar a few nights. Come on by and have a beer. I’ll buy.